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New Year’s Resolution

DSC06469We ended the year talking about changing our perception by training with a little enemy: the cold 🙂
If you settled a New Year’s Resolution, it is possible, that to succeed, you will need to change your perception about something. And this may not be easy!

Why that? Because for changing something in our life, we need to change our perception about our self. The way we think about what is possible or not. The trust we have on our abilities to maintain our motivation. This kind of process requires a bit of training and discipline in order to stand some uncomfortable feelings or sensations that may arise during the process of change.[Read more]

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Changing perception

thIn our last article, we explored the topic of Fatigue: is this sensation an enemy to fight or a friend to listen to? Actually Fatigue is a body experience from which we can learn good balance between the need to rest and the need to be active.
One of the suggestions we gave to the participants was to create more body awareness, which means more energy.
How do we do that? Through exercises to reconnect with our body and to specifically train our perception… With the cold!

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Fatigue: enemy or friend?

tiredAre you often feeling exhausted?
Do you have the impression that you do too much?
Or because you feel tired you do less and you feel your frustration growing?

How do we use the sensation of being tired? This question may appear strange, but resting and regaining energy, in our very active and stimulating life, is not obvious.
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Is change dangerous?

african-roadCan the action of changing be dangerous?
Yes, it is! Because, by leaving what is known and secure, you move into the uncertain.
Changing a job or a personal attitude, meeting new people, stopping an old relationship, travelling to new places or learning something new are all actions that may awaken old frustrations or new wishes. [Read more]

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Silence & Creativity – How to create an inner space to concretise our wishes

windowQuietness allows us to think about our passions and the steps that are necessary to support our intentions … and being more creative!
We tend to procrastinate what is important for us: our health, our heart, our mind, our joy of living… because we get busy with “the stuff we have to do “. It follows that we are too tired to take care of what we would like to realise for ourselves.

On the 4 meetings, through simple exercise (breathing, movement, writing), we train our attention and mobilise our energy in order to take the necessary steps in the direction you want to advance in.

We focus on the process of realising a personal project and the group will support us with its energy and without judgement.

Join us in this journey combing doing and passivity !

4 Meetings of 2 hours each.
Participants: Min 6 – Max 8 persons
Price: 300.- fr.

Register at

Picture Massimo Martino