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Another way to take a break

25.3.37 Filibert StepsHoliday season is approaching ! What does it means to take a break ?
A vacation should be a time when we regenerate and collect new energy to invest in our daily life.
It is also a time for doing something different : resting on the beach, trekking up mountains, party on beautiful islands 🙂
It can also be a time to know our self better and get stronger in who we are.

I personally like to travel : to visit a foreigner country is always a way to travel inside my self.
Being in a different surrounding, eating a different kind of food, hearing a different language all around me, going out from my daily life habits… That situation offers me many impulses and allows a lot of intuitions to come to the surface. I start then to realise better how I do react in certain situations, but also to digest past event that suddenly, for some strange associations, come back to my attention.
My head get free from the daily life business and I experience new kind of thoughts. The new place teaches me about its history, about how people live there, about food and drink. And it also teaches me about my own prejudices or fixed point of view, about my fears and insecurities.
All this can happen not only because of a new place, but, most of all, because I take time to feel my self.

If you would like to experience time to feel your self and your are not sure about how to do this, maybe you may be interested in an intensive process.

An Intensive process is a series of sessions in a concentrate period of time, for example 2 sessions at day for 3 days in a row or 1 session every day for 5 days in a row. This option allows you to focus in a subject and learn how to modify or to stop certain patterns. Between the sessions, you will pay attention to your breathing, on how you perceive you body, on your physical symptom or attitude you wish to modify. You will also describe and train according with the aim you want to achieve during the process.
 If you are a client who is already in a process, it would be a boost to achieve your goal faster.

Picture of Massimo Martino

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