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The Breath, a bridge into your body

In our modern and busy life, it is very easy to find ourselves stuck in tensions, worries and restlessness. When our mind reacts to stressful situations and starts to run, it leads the all body into the stress responds. So we find ourselves believing that we cannot take a break, let go of the tensions or take a moment to relax before having done everything that is in our “to do list”. We don’t dare to take a pause because of the fear of missing out something very important or of not being able to respect a deadline. We are convinced that only when the duty is accomplished, we will have the time – and also the authorization – to relax. The only little problem is that we have always something on our “to do list”.
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The power of taking care

Take care is the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs(*).
I believe we are all aware about the risk of taking care too much: when we put too much energy and attention in someone or something and we end up neglecting our own needs. Then we experienced tiredness, exhaustion, demotivation, dissatisfaction, bitterness…
But what are the signs of taking too little care of what is around us?
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What is your purpose ?

After my last article, many people asked me: “what did you mean when you wrote that the rain forest is not only the lung of the planet but also one of its hearts?”. I meant that the experience of stepping out of my comfort zone, of admiring the beauty and the strength of the Nature, of being inspired by another culture had an intense impact on my ability to feel connected with what is around me.
It allowed me to experience more Love. Love of being alive and Love for life.
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This year’s accomplishments

Christmas is approaching…. Again 🙂
Even if you may not feel connected with this celebration, it is quite difficult to ignore it. So why not to use this period of the year to train our ability of paying attention?
The holiday’s period corresponds to a special moment in this part of the world: the 21st of December is the shortest day of the year, the winter Solstice. After that, days are getting longer. It says: winter reaches its maximum pick. A new period, a new year is on the point to start!
One way to prepare, before focusing on the New Year’s Resolutions and how to keep them 😉 , is to acknowledge what you accomplished this year.

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Time Off

Is your attention free? Can you stay focus on the present moment or you need to react to every “bip” and “bing” your smart phone produces?
We are all aware that Internet and social media are addictive. But still, we can’t help to check one more time our screen to see if something new has popped up in the last 3 seconds.

The irresistible need to check at our devises is an automatic reaction triggered by apps designed specifically to attract constantly our attention. Regain control of our attention may be a challenge.

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Is change dangerous?

african-roadCan the action of changing be dangerous?
Yes, it is! Because, by leaving what is known and secure, you move into the uncertain.
Changing a job or a personal attitude, meeting new people, stopping an old relationship, travelling to new places or learning something new are all actions that may awaken old frustrations or new wishes. [Read more]