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Contradict your self!

23.3.36 murales - copieIn my previous articles, we discovered how we hold negative beliefs in our bodies and how we may recognise the influence those beliefs have in our life.
We also started to identify a belief by paying attention at a certain situation where this belief appears, who is involved, our emotional response and how do we hold our bodies.

All beliefs give us a key for reading what is happening around us. They give us a false sense of safety by telling us what we have to do and ….what we do not have to do in order to keep us save!
Now you can start to train!

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Silence & Creativity – How to create an inner space to concretise our wishes

windowQuietness allows us to think about our passions and the steps that are necessary to support our intentions … and being more creative!
We tend to procrastinate what is important for us: our health, our heart, our mind, our joy of living… because we get busy with “the stuff we have to do “. It follows that we are too tired to take care of what we would like to realise for ourselves.

On the 4 meetings, through simple exercise (breathing, movement, writing), we train our attention and mobilise our energy in order to take the necessary steps in the direction you want to advance in.

We focus on the process of realising a personal project and the group will support us with its energy and without judgement.

Join us in this journey combing doing and passivity !

4 Meetings of 2 hours each.
Participants: Min 6 – Max 8 persons
Price: 300.- fr.

Register at

Picture Massimo Martino

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The importance of routines… Or how to fall in love

When we fall in love, I mean the moment we feel butterflies in our stomach, our life, for a while changes. The emotions and experience we feel when we meet a new person (or start a new project) create a state where everything seems to be new, intense and beautiful. Generally, we think it comes from the love we feel. And we know that after a while this feeling will slow down; the excitement fades away and it leads to… routine!

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