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Dedicate Time

To what purpose would you like to dedicate more time ? Which aspects of your life do you wish to nourish by taking time every day?
Dedicate Time is the practice I wish to reinforce during this year. I associate it with taking time to reconnect within me in order to then connect with what is around me: people I love, nature, work projects… My intention for the new year is to continue to dedicate time to connections 🙂
Today, our way to consider our history, our way to move around the world, even our way to think is very much determinate by separations. We perceive easily ourselves as separated – and of course different – from the others. Not only from other people but also from other natural beings.   [Read more]

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Less is More

For these autumnal days, I would like to share with you some inputs I got from an article by Kate Yoder about subtraction (1).
We all know this pearl of wisdom saying “less is more”. However, I guess we can all experience how difficult can be to apply this in our life. Think about how we easily tend to do more, to buy more, to have more, to need more. In our attention the automatic mechanism works by adding and the subtract option is much less obvious.
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Our contribution to the Drawdown Process

Two years ago, we presented the Drawdown project. The aim of this project is to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely and equitably as possible. I am very happy to inform you that this project is still dynamic and active. New material has been put together in 6 units, developing 6 different topics about climate change.
But how this topic is connected with bodyawareness and being aware of our automatic pattern?
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Breathing Training no. 2

This is the second article about the breathing training series. As I said in my previous article, I have some new material that provides us some new options for training with our most underestimate ability: the breathe (∆).
Today, we will focus on the exhaling part of breathing.   [Read more]

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Breathing Training no. 1

Spring is here! This is the ideal time to start to train something new!
I am very happy to have some new material (1) about the old, underestimated, taken for granted, vital ability: THE BREATH!
I will dedicate this and the two following articles to show some practices to work with this essential function. Breathing is a bridge into the body and this bridge can take many forms.
Today I would like to focus on the deep slow breathing.     [Read more]