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How do I feel?

While working with clients, or leading my groups activities or developing my articles, I always underline the importance of breathing.
I would like to attract again your attention on this topic, because our mind tends – and it is very good at that – to ignore the importance of this basic function and to move quickly to something more “exciting”… But “outside” the body!
How to blame it? It is true that breathing is, basically, “only” breathing 🙂   [Read more]

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Mobilising the body

In my articles, I’am often talking about mobilising the body to enter more in contact and be more aware of your body. How to do this? For example with this easy exercise that combines breathing and movements.
It can be practiced almost everywhere, sitting or standing, and, because it makes us move the torso – in coordination with breathing – it is very affective in helping us stopping automatic patterns (*).     [Read more]

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The act of avoiding

In the last article, we talked about four negative scenarios that can occupy our attention and bring us to avoid a situation; so doing we reduce our ability to feel our body.

Someone asked me what to do, to overcome this kind of patterns. More practically, how to train in order to be able to face what is frighting, uncomfortable, unknown instead of automatically avoid such situation.

Actually, there are no general recipes: we are all different and different is our personal story. That said, I think that the first step is to recognise what kind of situation you “normally”, automatically avoid.     [Read more]

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The negative scenarios in our mind

I would like to start the new year with an article about our negative scenarios. I mean these scenarios that our mind brings up and instead to help us preparing for a possible situation, they provoke the opposite result, blocking us from experiencing and learning something new.
I identified until now 4 kind of negative scenarios that, when they have power over us, reduce our ability to feel our bodies. They occupy our attention telling us a story about ourselves that is more connected with the past than with our present. They make harder for us to be aware of ourselves because they create tensions in the body and breath restriction. And they are an attempt to avoid uncertainties and fears. [Read more]

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Self-Confidence 2

In the last article, we started a reflection about our self-confidence and what happen in the body when this self-confidence is lacking and we found ourselves doubting about our competences, opinions and even our being.
I did suggest boosting your self-confidence by acknowledge what you achieved, did or learned so to train your attention towards what gives you confidence and satisfaction.

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