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What are your Stress Factors?

Stress is a common notion. Today, we even consider it as an inseparable aspect of our lifestyle. We may feel proud of it, as if the fact of being busy and stressed automatically translate in a successful self-image.
The experience of being stressed was – and still is – considered as normal  as drinking coffee at breakfast 🙂 But i
f you had the chance to live a peaceful lockdown during the Covid crisis, as I had the privilege to do, you may have reconsidered it. Because actually, a life with more time, no running around and a lot of calmness it is very pleasing.
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The “To Be” Intention

In the last articles we talked about uncertainties. The Corona virus times are still remembering us that we can not be certain about what will happen in the next months. This period may be an invitation to all of us to strengthen our ability to settle our intentions. Let me explain that.
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Facing Fears

What will happen in the next weeks and months? What will happen to our jobs, to our social contacts, to our freedom? When will we be able to hug again our families and travel again?
What we are living now is indeed some uncertain times and it is “normal” to experience fear.  [Read more]

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From Mourning to mobilizing your energy

Before the Covid crisis, I had the intention to write an article about the “stressors”, the situations and attitudes that we meet and/or we maintain in our life and that provoke negative stress in our bodies (1). Of course, now that we are in a challenging situation, to reflect on that seems not to be a priority 🙂

A greater priority may be to reflect about how to deal with the renouncements to a certain number of activities : meeting people we love, going out, traveling,… [Read more]

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Practical Conferences Series

My clients often ask me about how to better understand the messages of their bodies. My answer is: by living more in the body!
In order to practically develop this, additionally to the individual sessions and to the group activities on Thursday morning, I decided to organize a series of 3 conferences on “Breathing”, “Sleeping and Resting” and “Digest”.
The aim of these 3 conferences is to help the participants to become more embodied.

Being stuck, overwhelmed, tired, anxious, with physical symptoms and pains have an influence on our respiration, our ability to rest and our digestion.
Release consciously tensions; be aware about the reactions to what you perceive, have a calmer mind so to notice the signals of your body help to regain control on your negative reactions.

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