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The connection between the visible and the invisible

At the end of the last year, I gave, with a friend, a workshop* aiming to increase consciousness about the challenges that our planet, and us with her, are facing.
One of our participants, a young man from Mongolia, shared with us a very interesting observation. He said that in one hand, in the western society, we are very busy, even obsessed, by the material world. In the other hand, we constantly neglect, even forget, about what is invisible to our eyes.
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Lack of Reciprocity

In my last article, we read that reciprocity is very important in relationships. We also saw that we have the tendency, in our relationships, to take an automatic position that results in lack of reciprocity.
Lack of reciprocity leads to frustration, dissatisfaction, conflict… and unhappiness.
How can we prevent this? By being attentive to 3 types of behavior or attitude we produce, normally without realizing what they are telling us: reciprocity is missing!

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Contradict your self!

23.3.36 murales - copieIn my previous articles, we discovered how we hold negative beliefs in our bodies and how we may recognise the influence those beliefs have in our life.
We also started to identify a belief by paying attention at a certain situation where this belief appears, who is involved, our emotional response and how do we hold our bodies.

All beliefs give us a key for reading what is happening around us. They give us a false sense of safety by telling us what we have to do and ….what we do not have to do in order to keep us save!
Now you can start to train!

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Our beliefs

Telegraph HillWe have normally a lot of opinions about ourselves and about life in general. Those opinions are always coming from past experiences.

Even if we are not aware about them, they become beliefs that create our present, because they sit in our bodies.

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