Holiday season is approaching ! What does it means to take a break ?
A vacation should be a time when we regenerate and collect new energy to invest in our daily life.
It is also a time for doing something different : resting on the beach, trekking up mountains, party on beautiful islands 🙂
It can also be a time to know our self better and get stronger in who we are.
The importance of routines… Or how to fall in love
When we fall in love, I mean the moment we feel butterflies in our stomach, our life, for a while changes. The emotions and experience we feel when we meet a new person (or start a new project) create a state where everything seems to be new, intense and beautiful. Generally, we think it comes from the love we feel. And we know that after a while this feeling will slow down; the excitement fades away and it leads to… routine!
Learn how to transform pain
When pain is short-lived and passes quickly, we experience it but do not suffer. When pain is a constant presence, it causes suffering: injury, constantly aching back, recurring headaches, hurting knees.
It can also be experienced as the pain of failure, loss or separation.
How to deal with physical & emotional pain?
When we suffer from physical or emotional pain, our first reaction is to make something to reduce the sensation.
– we make effort;
– we create tension in the whole body;
– we become less sensitive.
By producing this reaction – this automatic pattern -, we reduce our capacity of self-healing and recovery of the body.
Learn to deal differently to pain by paying attention to your body and to your emotions.