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This year’s accomplishments

Christmas is approaching…. Again 🙂
Even if you may not feel connected with this celebration, it is quite difficult to ignore it. So why not to use this period of the year to train our ability of paying attention?
The holiday’s period corresponds to a special moment in this part of the world: the 21st of December is the shortest day of the year, the winter Solstice. After that, days are getting longer. It says: winter reaches its maximum pick. A new period, a new year is on the point to start!
One way to prepare, before focusing on the New Year’s Resolutions and how to keep them 😉 , is to acknowledge what you accomplished this year.

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Lack of Reciprocity

In my last article, we read that reciprocity is very important in relationships. We also saw that we have the tendency, in our relationships, to take an automatic position that results in lack of reciprocity.
Lack of reciprocity leads to frustration, dissatisfaction, conflict… and unhappiness.
How can we prevent this? By being attentive to 3 types of behavior or attitude we produce, normally without realizing what they are telling us: reciprocity is missing!

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The importance of reciprocity

Reciprocity is a very important ingredient in relationships.
Think about that: “Relationships are exquisitely sensitive to balance in their early stages, and a great way to ruin things is either to give too much (you seem perhaps a bit desperate) or too little (you seem cold and rejecting). Rather, relationships grow best by balanced give and take, especially of gifts, favors, attention, and self disclosure.” *

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The importance of routines… Or how to fall in love

When we fall in love, I mean the moment we feel butterflies in our stomach, our life, for a while changes. The emotions and experience we feel when we meet a new person (or start a new project) create a state where everything seems to be new, intense and beautiful. Generally, we think it comes from the love we feel. And we know that after a while this feeling will slow down; the excitement fades away and it leads to… routine!

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