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After Long Covid

“After being affected by long covid which resulted in short breathing and tachycardia, I couldn’t put my breathing and heart rate under control especially in stressful situations where the symptoms were intensified.  Michelle helped me to take back my breathing, understand the signals of the body prior to what might trigger a crisis, and raise awareness of how to come back to a balanced state.
It turned out to be very beneficial for the work life as well, the body shows itself when it’s stressed and signals lack of confidence in difficult situations; such as in meetings where difficult discussions are handled.
I totally recommend Michelle for any kind of issue you would like to work with through the breathing. Not only it brings connection to your body and feelings, but also improves your reflection and response to any situation, bringing new perspectives in stress handling.
Her approach is empathetic, understanding and fully adaptive to the individuals. Adding Michelle’s humor to the equation, it also provides lighter energy which makes this experience enjoyable!” Vanessa, engineer.

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