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Re-found bodily confidence

„After an invasive surgery in my abdomen, Michelle accompanied me in my recovery process. In our bi-weekly sessions, I learnt how to pay more attention to my bodily instincts, and support myself through breathing and moving techniques. Michelle’s humorous manner and stunning knowledge immensely supported me in this process. I’m extremely grateful for her guidance and highly recommend her to anyone who’s interested in trusting their body more.“ Samira

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Learn to appreciate my strengths

„I felt very comfortable with Michelle right from the start. With her humorous and sensitive nature, she manages to build a good basis of trust and I was able to address any topic without feeling ashamed. Through the sessions with her I have learned to be more aware of my body and its signals and to work on my issues with the help of breathing.
„Michelle is very emphatic and took every concern seriously and with her great sense of humor she manages to bring lightness to the session no matter how difficult it all felt. She helped me focus on my strengths and appreciate them. Through the personal and creative homework she gave me after each session, I learned to easily integrate what was discussed into everyday life. Thank you Michelle for your valuable work!“ Mina, photographer.

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Be able to calm myself

„I immediatly felt very comfortable with Michelle. First I had some doubts about the Grinberg method but Michelle listened to all my questions and explained everything very thoroughly. She helped me to be able to calm myself and how to concentrate on my breath and my body reactions. Also she always explained everything to me so I could learn.
I think Michelle has something special which she makes you feel comfortable instantly and able to open up. Also she has a very clear and direct communication which I felt other therapists tend to be not so direct and authentic.I would absolutely recommend Michelle to everybody.“ Isabel

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More assured, more confident

„I would like to thank Michele for our sessions and her tremendous support! I felt the results of our work and my progression all the way through our sessions. Michele helped me to address and talk though my biggest fears at the time, topics that were eating me from inside. She supported me in facing these topics at the same time taking away the edge, reducing emotional tension inside of me and helping to relax and see these issues from another angle. The combination of massage, posting the right questions and humorous and kind approach did their wonders on me.  Michele helped me to understand my reactions and reactions of others in interaction with me. Through our work I felt more assured of my character, more confident. Because of this and Michele’s support I was able to do some changes in my life that were direly needed.“ Alena

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Calmer and more present

„Michelle is a fantastic coach. The Bodylearning sessions with her helped manage my innate neuroticism and hyperactivity. I became calmer and more present as I learned to slow down and listen to what the body is trying to tell me even if I didn’t want to hear it. I became more aware of my feelings and started understanding myself and my needs better. Overall, the experience was reenergizing as it thought me how to be more in tune with my body. As a result, I made some positive changes in my day-to-day physical and mental routines to allow myself to live a more fulfilling life. Coincidentally (or not) some surprising positive changes in my external environment followed. I would recommend the experience to anyone who wants to be a better person and enjoy life more. Thank you, Michelle!“ Diliana

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Re-enter the journey of self-discovery

„Michelle helped me re-enter the journey of self-discovery. I had the opportunity to work with her on a deep level. Her energy is setting the tone for a safe environment to be present with your whole being. She helped me understand how the body stores tension, trauma, stress and what a beautiful release comes with breathing, accepting what is. Her humour is a catalyst, which I embraced gladly. Thank you, Michelle, for your support, in helping me embrace who I am and how to flourish with resilience.“ Vera Daskalaki, the Mindful English Coach