
Michelle Sabatini
Das Zentrum der Körperarbeit
Schaffhauserstrasse 43 – 8006 Zürich
+41 78 779 16 07   michelle(at)bodylearning.chI value personal contact: this is way I do not have an App taking my appointments. Please, take the time to write me by e-mail or sms or give me a call. I will be happy to arrange with you an appointment.
I work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9h to 20h.

From the main Station (HB) take tram 11 (direction Auzelg) and 14 (direction Seebach), or from Central tram 7 (direction Stettbach) and 15 (direction Bucheggplatz) until Schaffhauserplatz. Cross the Rotbuchstrasse.
Ring at ‘Das Zentrum’. We are on the first floor.

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    Working at Das Zentrum der Körperarbeit:

    Esther Feller, Craniosacral Therapist & Classical Medical Massage

    Athéna Diezi, Massage therapie

    Margaret Wilsnach, Shamatic practitioner & Reiki Master