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The need to learn

Let’s continue the topic of the difference between what is important and what is urgent. In my last articles, we talked about taking time for ourself. We noticed that what is urgent makes us react automatically and neglect what is important in our life. What is nourishing our hearts, minds and relationships.

Another way to draw our attention to what is important is to give ourself time to learn something new… Or refreshing something we learned many years ago.
Often the sense of urgency keeps us stuck in what is consuming a lot of our time and energy. As a result we meet difficulties activating our energies for something that would be nourishing, yes, but require commitment and going out from what is known. This first step is definitely not an easy one. 

Once we tune into what is important, into what gives sense to our activities or, even to our existence, the need to dedicate time and energy to it will become stronger. We can then be confronted with the question: how do I satisfy this need?

Learning something new, or keep deepening a topic we already familiar with, it is not only a way to nourish what is important, but also to keep our brain active, to meet new people and to invest our energies for ourselves.  Last but not least, we acquire more knowledges and experiences.

This year, I went back to the first aid course to refresh and deepening what I learned for my driving license many years ago 🙂
And I will go back to my university in Lausanne for a 2 days course at the end of August about cognitive sciences and unconsciousness.

What would you like to learn?
Which actions do you need to take to make this happen? 

I can help you in identifying the obstacles that lay on the path of giving energy to what is important to you! 

Picture taken from Internet

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