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The Devil you Know

I am often asked to explain what I do in my praxis, what the benefits are for my clients or for what types of conditions my method is intended for. As my work alleviates many kind of problems and can help in many different situations in life, I always find it a little difficult to summarise what I do. Especially when “it should” be a short, simple and clear answer.
But working with emotions, body’s sensations and life situations is often far from being short, simple and clear 🙂
The ‚easier‘ answer would be “in my work I teach my clients to perceive more their bodies, to better understand their automatic patterns in order to stop them” and my work „alleviates stress symptoms and physical and emotional pains“.
A bit too impersonal, don’t you think?

I have come to think that my work is primarily about creating a space allowing a process to start: the bodywork process that takes place in my Praxis, but even more important, a self discovery process that takes place inside the client in their daily life.
This process can take many different forms: sometimes it is a shift of perceptions in the way the person considers theirselves, a current situation or a past situation. Sometimes it is about unlocking emotions and support the client to feel them.
For sure, it’s a process that increases the capacity to perceive – ourselves and what surrounds us – and our capacity to pay attention. These are very important tools in my work.

From this point of view, the initial problem that brings the client in my Praxis, is a kind of invitation, sometimes a very difficult invitation, to perceive themselves (more) or to perceive parts of themselves that are normally ignored or set aside.

Bodywork is based on this principle: the body tries to attract our attention on what is set aside. At then same time, our old defence mechanisms are trigged. They consider change as dangerous and cling on the old, known, way of being and acting even though this way creates dissatisfactions, physical problems and excessive tensions resulting in a „problem“, discomfort or pain.

Some clients refer to this saying “it is the Devil you Know”. It is a devil, but a familiar one. So less frightening. But no less dangerous in the way it reduces our energy, vitality and joy for life.
Also in the way it limits our ability to face challenges and new situations, to settle our boundaries and to take care of our needs.

So in my work, therefore, I support my clients in the fight against the devil they know with the aim to expand their ability to feel alive and perceive more of themself.

The initial „problem“ that brings the client to my Praxis is an invitation to change perception and to pay more attention to aspects and topics that have been ignored, frozen or whose importance has been underestimated.

As always, I will be happy to help you fight the Devil you Know!
This video illustrates very well my bodywork approach!

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