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Contradict your self!

23.3.36 murales - copieIn my previous articles, we discovered how we hold negative beliefs in our bodies and how we may recognise the influence those beliefs have in our life.
We also started to identify a belief by paying attention at a certain situation where this belief appears, who is involved, our emotional response and how do we hold our bodies.

All beliefs give us a key for reading what is happening around us. They give us a false sense of safety by telling us what we have to do and ….what we do not have to do in order to keep us save!
Now you can start to train!



Gain more presence

Very often we try to understand what we are experiencing only through the mind. That way we create a kind of distance with our body. Indeed, we do feel and experience because of our whole body: the sensations on the skin (cold, hot, sweating, dry), the tension on our muscles, the way we hold our belly. All these are reactions to what happens around us (people we meet, tasks we need to accomplish, information to understand) but also to what happens inside us (memories, believes, point of views).[Weiterlesen]