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Getting out

Practicing conscious breathing is a bridge inside us. It allows us to notice what inside us is asking for our attention. What kind of sensations, that we usually prefer to ignore, are calling for our attention? Physical tension and rigidity, frustration, dissatisfaction, anger, irritation, tiredness, restricted breath. We can address the restricted breath by training our ability to breathe in different ways. We have already looked at this aspect in my previous articles and you can practice breathing with me every Thursday morning at my Praxis 🙂

What about the physical tension and rigidity? I refer specifically to the shoulder area, the belly and the lower back.[Weiterlesen]

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Another way to take a break

25.3.37 Filibert StepsHoliday season is approaching ! What does it means to take a break ?
A vacation should be a time when we regenerate and collect new energy to invest in our daily life.
It is also a time for doing something different : resting on the beach, trekking up mountains, party on beautiful islands 🙂
It can also be a time to know our self better and get stronger in who we are.


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Silence: a window through creativity

windowCreativity is the ability to mould a certain material into something new and original. We normally associate creativity with art or an art performance and we think that creativity doesn’t belong to us because we are not an artist or we are not living from our art. Because we look at creativity as something characterizing other people but not ourselves, we never think how creativity could appear in our lives and what creativity means for us.


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breathingSome times, when I give the instruction « breathe » to my client, I receive the answer « of course I’m breathing, otherwise I would be dead ». This situation brings always both of us to laugh a lot, what is good for the breathing exercise !
Respiration is a basic function: we have to breathe in order to live. It’s an automatic function too: it means we don’t need to be attentive to that, breathing happen by it self (our vegetative system takes care of the automatic breathing).
