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Practicing Being Grateful

Christmas is approaching! And I would like to continue the reflection about giving attention to our immaterial wealth during this special time of the year.
Even if you may not like this period, it is difficult to ignore this event and the rhetoric that goes with it. Let’s use these „Christmas vibes“ for training our attention toward what is really precious to us, because Christmas is happening anyway.

My suggestion is to start on the first of December, until Christmas or until the end of the year, to dedicate some minutes every day to give thanks.
Being grateful for what is enriching your life, for what gives you satisfaction, for happiness, for the sense of belonging, for what is helping you to grow

Choose a moment during the day. As we are training for at least 4 weeks, I think it can be easier to do it every day at the same time: it can be in the morning before starting the day, or in the evening before closing it. But you can choose every other moment. I recommend you to write it down – even better if on paper. I prepared a structure called Practicing Being Grateful that may help you 🙂

The aim is to:
– arrive at the Christmas day, with a list of 24-25 thanks.
– notice what is the effect of these moments on you.
– use your list to assess your level of satisfaction: you may realize how happy and satisfied you are. Or you may realize that your life needs some changes.
What a better moment to settle some new resolution for the new year 🙂
Contact me if you need support during this period, or if you would like to share your observation with me.

Merry Christmas!

PS: I will take time off after Christmas until the 11th of January, to nourish an old project: to write 🙂

Picture taken by me in Flims

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