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Enjoying Christmas…

Boccia oroDo you get stressed with all the Christmas gifts? Are you torn between the obligation to buy and the pleasure of giving? Is December a month of activity for you, going from one event to the next?
Taking the time to be in your body could allow you to enjoy your Christmas more.

Christmas is coming, as all the decorations in shops and streets announce to everyone.
They also remind some of us that we should start thinking about and actually start buying our Christmas presents. Would you feel better without the obligation to buy any gifts? Are you postponing until the 24th of December and then run like a hamster in a wheel for the presents?
When we get busy with such dynamics, it becomes a pretty efficient way to kill any pleasure that we may still find in the Christmas period. Christmas is not only a period of survival, but it can indeed be a special moment for you to enjoy.

My suggestions is to prepare for Christmas now and take some time to consider:

  • Your attitude: to enjoy something, under any circumstance, you need to be relaxed. In order to relax, you need to breathe. Take some minutes every day, sit comfortably with a straight back and close your eyes. Only focus on the air coming in and going out with your respiration. Breathe deeper and deeper, expanding your belly and chest.
  • Your vision: imagine how you would like to spend your ideal Christmas: with whom, doing what, eating what kind of food. Would it be possible to organise it your way?
  • To whom and why: think to whom you would like to offer something and why. Any kind of reason will work. Make a list of people and start to associate something you think they might appreciate.
  • Stopping: consider if you really want to continue the gift exchange tradition in your family or circle of friends. If not, now is a good moment to communicate it.
  • A gift to yourself: If presents are important to you and to make sure you receive one, put your own name on top of your list. What would you like?

And today the most precious gift you can offer someone you love or you like, is your time.  Share an hour going for a walk, organise a dinner at home or in a restaurant or spend a day together visiting a city or museum.

I teach my clients to breathe and take the time to feel in their bodies, what they really want… Also at Christmas time!

Picture from Internet.

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