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Changing perception

thIn our last article, we explored the topic of Fatigue: is this sensation an enemy to fight or a friend to listen to? Actually Fatigue is a body experience from which we can learn good balance between the need to rest and the need to be active.
One of the suggestions we gave to the participants was to create more body awareness, which means more energy.
How do we do that? Through exercises to reconnect with our body and to specifically train our perception… With the cold!


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Fatigue: enemy or friend?

tiredAre you often feeling exhausted?
Do you have the impression that you do too much?
Or because you feel tired you do less and you feel your frustration growing?

How do we use the sensation of being tired? This question may appear strange, but resting and regaining energy, in our very active and stimulating life, is not obvious.

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Getting out

Practicing conscious breathing is a bridge inside us. It allows us to notice what inside us is asking for our attention. What kind of sensations, that we usually prefer to ignore, are calling for our attention? Physical tension and rigidity, frustration, dissatisfaction, anger, irritation, tiredness, restricted breath. We can address the restricted breath by training our ability to breathe in different ways. We have already looked at this aspect in my previous articles and you can practice breathing with me every Thursday morning at my Praxis 🙂

What about the physical tension and rigidity? I refer specifically to the shoulder area, the belly and the lower back.[Weiterlesen]

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Our most underestimated ability

hamster on the wheelYou would probably be surprised if I would start my article by asking you « to breath ». You would probably think that breathing is something you do anyway and doesn’t need to be enhanced. However, breathing is the most underestimated and forgotten ability we have.

By increasing our ability to breath, we could reduce our stress level and have a healthier life.[Weiterlesen]