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The honesty journal

In the previous article, we talked about the importance of being honest and about a tool: the honesty journal 🙂
But how does it work, exactly, an honesty journal? Is it about saying always what we feel or what we think truthfully? Do we need to “impose” it to our friends, family and colleagues, despite social conventions and despite the risk of hurting other people’s feelings?
No! Let’s focus on the person who is the closest to us: ourselves!

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Lack of Reciprocity

In my last article, we read that reciprocity is very important in relationships. We also saw that we have the tendency, in our relationships, to take an automatic position that results in lack of reciprocity.
Lack of reciprocity leads to frustration, dissatisfaction, conflict… and unhappiness.
How can we prevent this? By being attentive to 3 types of behavior or attitude we produce, normally without realizing what they are telling us: reciprocity is missing!
