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The importance of reciprocity

Reciprocity is a very important ingredient in relationships.
Think about that: “Relationships are exquisitely sensitive to balance in their early stages, and a great way to ruin things is either to give too much (you seem perhaps a bit desperate) or too little (you seem cold and rejecting). Rather, relationships grow best by balanced give and take, especially of gifts, favors, attention, and self disclosure.” *


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Our inner Saboteurs

I made it! I kept my objective on going swimming 4 times a week for one month!
Thanks to all of you for your support and your sharing! That gave me a lot of motivation and energy 🙂

As you remember, we are discussing the topic about maintaining our intentions so we can realize a change in our perception about ourselves.
During this process we can learn a lot about what our difficulties are: too much alone? Lack of discipline? Lack of flexibility?
